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Kaldor N. Causes of Growth and Stagnation in the World Economy. Cambridge, 1996
Lecture 1. Equilibrium theory and growth theory-
Lecture 2. Alternative approaches to growth theory
Lecture 3. The problem of intersectoral balance
Lecture 4. The effects of interregional and international competition
Lecture 5. Policy implication of the current world, situation
Hayek F.A. Money, Capital, and Fluctuations: Early Essays. Cambridge, 1984
Some remarks on the problem of imputation
On the problem of the theory of interest
Intertemporal price equilibrium and the movements in the value of money
Capital consumption
On "natural money"
Technical progress and excess capacity
The Legacy of F. von Hayek. An Elgar Reference Collection. V. Ill: Economics, 1999.
Machiup F. Friedrich von Hayek's Contributions to Economics.
Bohm S. Hayek and Knowledge, Equilibrium, and Prices: Context and Impact.
Haberler G. Reflections on Hayek's Business Cycle Theory.
Butos W. Hayek and General Equilibrium Analysis.
Horwits S. Capital Theory, Inflation and Deflation: The Austrian and Monetary
Disequilibrium Theory Compared.
Garrison R. Intertemporal Coordination and the Invisible Hand: An Austrian
Perspective on the Keynesian Vision.
Hayek Revisited. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000.
Witt U. The Hayekian Puzzle: Spontaneous Order and the Business Cycle.
Kuznets S.A.
Modern Economic Growth: Findings and Reflections (Nobel Lecture)
Equilibrium Economics and Business-Cycles Theory
Retardation of Industrial Growth
Schumpeter's Business Cycles
Rostow W.W. Kondratieff, Schumpeter and Kuznets: Trend Periods Revisited //
Schumpeter. Critical Assessments. Vol. Ill. L., 1997.
Methodology of economics
Sugden R. Credible worlds: the status of theoretical models in economics // Journal of Economic Methodology. Vol. 7. N1. 2000.
Hausman D. "Ultra-deductivism", perfect knowledge and the methodology of economics // Journal of Economic Methodology. Vol. 6. №1. 1999.
Hutchison Т. IV. Ultra-Deductivism from Nassau Senior to Lionel Robbins and Daniel Hausman // Journal of Economic Methodology. 1998. Vol 5. №1.
Mayer T. The domain of hypotheses and the realism of assumptions // Journal of Economic Methodology. Vol.6 №3. 1999.
Updated 24.10.2001 21:48